Complete instructions here. I would like to avoid sending out fabric since I am behind schedule... so here are my thoughts. I would like everyone to use****EDITED*** a nice crisp white cotton for the background, it .
Big surprise... I would like the center squares to be pink... any shade or design just make sure the print is pink... no white backgrounds please:) For the outer four squares I would like them to all be the same fabric... however if you do decided to make a second block( love when that happens but sooo not required) the four squares can be different. One other request... sheesh picky .... No BROWNS. Think pretty girly colors, shabby chic..not mod and funky. Orange is not my fave unless it is part of a darling floral
I Snagged the Photos from Amy's Moda tutorial.
Guess that is about it... If you have questions, post them in our flickr pool.